RCFoamCutter - Large Foam Cutters
XL1 Package (no electronics) - Out of Stock
Machine Price - $1,800
Cutting Size: 28" x 15"
The XL1 package includes the mechanical parts only, does not include electronic parts
Parts included:
4 long shafts - 35" long (effective horizontal travel - 28")
4 short shafts - 20" long (effective vertical travel - 15")
2 long ACME screws - 1/2-10 (couplers are included for 8mm NEMA23 motor shaft)
2 short ACME screws - 1/2-10 (couplers are included for 8mm NEMA23 motor shaft)
All metal parts, bushings, screws
***Not included - 4 NEMA23 motors with 8mm shaft, hot wire, hot wire power supply, electronics.
Software to be downloaded:
Mach3 to run the machines can be found at machsupport.com
DevCad to generate the GCode can be found at devfoam.com
XL2 Package (with electronics) Out of Stock
Machine Price - $3,800
Cutting Size: 38" x 22" x 40" (wire length)
The XL2 package includes the mechanical and electronic parts
Parts included:
4 long shafts - 45" long (effective horizontal travel - 38")
4 short shafts - 27" long (effective vertical travel - 22")
2 long ACME screws - 1/2-10 (couplers are included for 8mm NEMA23 motor shaft)
2 short ACME screws - 1/2-10 (couplers are included for 8mm NEMA23 motor shaft)
4 NEMA23 stepper motors with cables (no soldering required)
All metal parts, bushings, screws, electronic box (fully assembled)
Please note - This is a parallel port electronic box - it will run with WinXP and Win7 32 bit only
For Win7 64 bit or Win8 or Win10, UC100 adapter is available here
Software to be downloaded:
Mach3 to run the machines can be found at machsupport.com
DevCad to generate the GCode can be found at devfoam.com
0 - 60V 3A variable power supply + hot wire
4 axis electronics box assembled with 4 NEMA23 motors with cables
XL3 Package (with electronics) Out of Stock
Machine Price - $4,600
Cutting Size: 48" x 38" x 96" (wire length)
The XL3 package includes the mechanical and electronic parts
Parts included:
4 long shafts - 55" long (effective horizontal travel - 48")
4 short shafts - 45" long (effective vertical travel - 38")
2 long ACME screws - 1/2-10 (couplers are included for 8mm NEMA23 motor shaft)
2 short ACME screws - 1/2-10 (couplers are included for 8mm NEMA23 motor shaft)
4 NEMA23 stepper motors with cables (no soldering required)
Included are all metal parts, bushings, screws, electronic box (fully assembled)
Windows support:Win7, 8,10 and 11 - via USB (included with driver)
Software to be downloaded:
Mach3 to run the machines can be found at machsupport.com
DevCad to generate the GCode can be found at devfoam.com
0 - 120V 3A variable power supply + hot wire
4 axis electronics box assembled
with 4 NEMA23 motors with cables